
Easy there Tiger!

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Easy there Tiger!

Whoah! Too fast there turbo! If you are on this page already, it’s because you like jumping ahead (like me – I totally would have done this), or you are just moving too fast! Be patient, take your time and you will succeed with the right pace. Now hit your back button on your browser and…

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Habits Course Step Five

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Habits Course Step Five

Are you sure you are ready and have enough time right now for this step? If not, just click the button below to go back to the safety and comfort of the last step or click here for more help. If you are sure that you want to move on because you feel 100% confident that…

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Step Fourteen- Consider Intermittent Fasting

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Step Fourteen- Consider Intermittent Fasting

Xfactor Xplanation: Internal vs. Xternal Focus Does the “burn” ever distract you from finishing any of your Xercises? Do you feel like your brain is running out of fuel before your muscles do? Would you be interested in learning a technique that can solve both of those problems and more, while increasing your results by…

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Step Thirteen- Exercise Form

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Step Thirteen- Exercise Form

Xfactor Xplanation: Form is Paramount! You have probably noticed how important Xercise form is at the X Gym. This is because proper exercise form is key to targeting the specific muscles intended for the particular Xercise you are performing. As you know, each routine you get, whether you are a personal training tribe member or a…

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Step Eleven

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Step Eleven

Xfactor Xplanation: What About Xtra Xercise outside of X Gym? You may be wondering if X Gym really is enough because after all, it’s only 21 minutes, twice a week! Well, the short answer is yes, it is enough Xercise for people interested in achieving optimal health and the fitness level necessary for maintaining a fun, active lifestyle. For…

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Step Ten

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Step Ten

Xfactor Xplanation: Warmup and Cooldown You may be familiar with the need for a warmup and a cooldown with traditional training and it is indeed necessary with traditional training, because traditional training tends to use heavy weights and ballistic reps, which can easily cause injury. Warmer muscles are more resistant to muscle tears and strains,…

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