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X Gym’s Xscream Machine Xperiments

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on X Gym’s Xscream Machine Xperiments

The X Gym is the best place for high-intensity workouts, but it is also known as the safest gym. Most high-intensity gyms have a high injury rate, so many people think gyms that offer this type of workout are also high risk. That certainly is true of many Crossfit gyms and other traditional training gyms,…

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Insta Thumbnail 350

How to be a budget biohacker

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on How to be a budget biohacker

Many people have asked me this question when I describe myself as a biohacker. For those of you who aren’t fans of reading, here’s the shortcut (“hacked”) definition from the dictionary: biohacker \ ˈbī-​ō-​ˌha-​kər  \ noun, plural biohackers. Somebody who uses science and technology to make his or her body function better and more efficiently. Now you know! And for those…

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Rahim Instagram Thumbnail

Rahim Gets Wedding Ready in Less Than One Month!

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Rahim Gets Wedding Ready in Less Than One Month!

Rahim came to the X Gym in a rush to get ready for his wedding, and normally, when someone comes to PJ with that kind of request, he says, “Well, I wish you had come to me three months ago, but if you are willing to follow my health and nutrition guidance 100% and commit…

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squared NUUN Vlog

A Peek Behind the Curtain at NUUN Hydration

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on A Peek Behind the Curtain at NUUN Hydration

NUUN Hydration makes effervescent tablets that turn ordinary water into delicious and nutritious sports drinks. The Vlog interview below with Ashley Smith provides an insider peek into some of the science and culture that makes NUUN a dominating force in the fitness and human performance arena. Watch it today to learn more about NUUN and…

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Amber Instagram Thumbnail

PJ and Amber Make FIVE Flavors of Low-Carb Chocolate!

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on PJ and Amber Make FIVE Flavors of Low-Carb Chocolate!

Amber Kelley, cookbook author and YouTube sensation, came over to PJ and Bev’s kitchen to see how to make PJ’s Low-Carb Chocolate recipe. Check out the video below to learn for yourself how to make 5 flavors of low-carb chocolate: Dark chocolate and milk chocolate crunch Almond bark with goji berries Mint chocolate Chocolate covered macadamia…

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Post thumb Guy Gone Keto interview

PJ Interviews the “Keto King”

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on PJ Interviews the “Keto King”

Click below to see PJ’s interview with Thom King (the Keto King), CEO of Stevivia and Icon Foods, a true pioneer in natural no-calorie sweeteners.   Click here for more health and fitness blogs, articles, videos, and other related resources from PJ.

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