X Gym’s Xscream Machine Xperiments

The X Gym is the best place for high-intensity workouts, but it is also known as the safest gym.

Most high-intensity gyms have a high injury rate, so many people think gyms that offer this type of workout are also high risk.

That certainly is true of many Crossfit gyms and other traditional training gyms, but not so with X Gym!

We are actually MORE intense than those other gyms claiming to be high intensity training (HIT). Some people refer to us as Super High Intensity Training, or Safe High Intensity Training, but both of those references have an acronym problem. 😉

How do we do it, you ask? The secret sauce is in our methodology, created through years of Xperimentation (since 1987, in fact), with constant upgrades and evolution as these Xperiments prove successful.

All X Gym Xperiements start with PJ Glassey, the founder and inventor of the X Gym methodology. If an Xperiment works on him, he then tries it on friends and family as phase two in the process. Phase three is trying it on his trainers at the X Gym. Phase four is trying it on select X Gym members who have been members for more than two years. Then, if the Xperiment has proven itself superior to an already Xistent method or technique within the current system, it is adopted into the system replacing a current method or splinter technique.

This process ensures constant improvement and evolution with the X Gym system, so the X Gym remains the safest, most efficient, and most effective training gym on the planet.

Below is just one Xample of phase two with the X Gym’s Xperimental Xscream Machine after a brief cardio Xperiement based on a new protocol requiring only 1 minute of Xertion time!