Mental programming

If You Have a Big “Butt”, You Probably Also Have a Big “But”

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on If You Have a Big “Butt”, You Probably Also Have a Big “But”

Excuses are often the biggest reason for the size of your butt. I have heard them all, ranging from “I’d like to exercise, but I just don’t have the time” to, “I have tried it all, but nothing ever works.” There is always a “but” stuck in there somewhere when folks with big butts are…

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You’re Only as Strong as Your Peer Group

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on You’re Only as Strong as Your Peer Group

Are your friends and loved ones sabotaging your fitness progress without even knowing it? They might be, and it’s not because they don’t care about you. It’s because they do care about you and they value the patterns they share with you. I have talked to many people who are very fired up about their…

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Burn Fat With Your Brain

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Burn Fat With Your Brain

Did you know that your brain burns 15-25% of your daily calories? Even though your brain makes up only about 3% of your weight, it accounts for a very big part of your metabolic rate! Most people think of muscles as their only calorie burner, and while they are the main engine for that, the huge amount…

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Swine Flu Free in Three Easy Steps!

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Swine Flu Free in Three Easy Steps!

I hate to say I told you so – especially about something like this – but in one of my posts last April (scroll down to see it – some browsers may put it on page 2) I stated that I believed the swine flu then wasn’t going to be a pandemic, but it might resurface as…

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X Gym Dominates Once Again

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on X Gym Dominates Once Again

So it turns out that stair climbs, triathlons, running races, and obstacle courses aren’t the only contests we dominate as the X Gym. I guess it should be no surprise to report that the X Gym just cleaned house in another fitness competition. Today, August 8th, The X Gym took a “special forces” team of four…

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Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Words Can Make You Lean!

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Words Can Make You Lean!

It might sound crazy, but changing your vocabulary can actually make you burn more fat. It can also make you stronger and build up your body. This is due to specific effects that words have on your physiology. Most men can think of 3-5 positive or negative emotions in 10 seconds. Most women can think…

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