Mental programming

Use Thanksgiving to Train Your Brain

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Use Thanksgiving to Train Your Brain

Most people think of food when the word Thanksgiving is uttered. Their next thought is usually about family and who they will be with. Unfortunately, most people surveyed have negative associations with holiday family gatherings and focus mostly on what they can do to avoid conflicts, uneasy dynamics and tension. These associations are also tied…

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Weightloss after Menopause (and Manopause)

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Weightloss after Menopause (and Manopause)

At a certain point in life, many people (even people who may have been fit all their lives) find a few extra pounds creeping on, or find it harder and harder to lose weight, seemingly no matter what they try to keep it off or take it off. Popular wisdom says “Well, that’s just how…

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Are Affirmations Better as Questions?

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Are Affirmations Better as Questions?

My job changes every day. That’s one of the reasons I love it so much. New research comes out all the time, and each week  I get to learn new tips, tricks, and techniques that help people reach their health and fitness goals. This week I learned that affirmations may be even more powerful when…

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Healthy Change in Three Simple Steps

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Healthy Change in Three Simple Steps

Why is change often so hard? The answer is simple: We aren’t wired for change. Our brains are wired for security, routine, efficiency and consistency. Change is inefficient because we have to learn new stuff and create new neural networks. Change also represents uncertainty. Change breaks our routine too, and since we are creatures of habit with…

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Switch your thoughts to bust your cravings

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Switch your thoughts to bust your cravings

The easiest way to get your mind off that hot fudge sundae is to picture something else that is equally or more pleasant instead, like a loved one’s laugh or your favorite place to relax. It could also be a fun experience, favorite game, or a time when you felt unusually powerful or “in the…

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Love Can Make You Thin!

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Love Can Make You Thin!

You may have already heard me talk about how our endocrine system is linked to our metabolism and how the right attitude can burn fat. I have mentioned this in lectures, seminars, blogs, articles and newsletters. The state you are in most of the time can indeed determine whether you are chronically fat or easily…

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