
Think Thin to Get Thin (part two)

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Think Thin to Get Thin (part two)

If someone could safely brainwash your subconscious brain and reset your mind’s eye so you thought like a thin person and therefore became one for the rest of your life, would you do it? Most would jump at the chance. Some wouldn’t though, unless they trusted that person unconditionally, so how about if that someone…

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Think Thin to Get Thin (part one)

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Think Thin to Get Thin (part one)

When I originally finished this post in its entirely, it was quite a monster. To make it easier to digest, I decided to break it up into smaller sections.  Here is part one and the following parts will be posted every few days. That way, you will not only be able to understand the concepts…

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Is it Your Willpower or Your Brain?

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Is it Your Willpower or Your Brain?

I got this message in an email from Michael Lovitch, Co founder of the Hypnosis Network . I found it so interesting, I just had to post it. I have told people over and over that willpower isn’t a matter of personal strength, but more an issue of how much re-wiring needs to be done…

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How much weight can you lose in a week?

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on How much weight can you lose in a week?

I was recently asked about a current Biggest Loser TV episode, where a contestant lost 34 pounds in one week! Is this really possible? A dietitian would calculate that someone would have to burn 119,000 more calories than they are eating to lose 34 pounds. To do this in one week, that would require burning…

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Keep Your New Year’s Resolution by Forming a New Identity

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Keep Your New Year’s Resolution by Forming a New Identity

I received this email message from coach Devlyn Steele and thought is was so good, I felt the need to reprint parts of it here. I will start with some of his thoughts and then close with some of mine, which will help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions once and for all! Devlyn: Year after year…

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X Gym DVD Now Available!

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on X Gym DVD Now Available!

It’s done! I’m super excited about it, and it’s just in time for the holidays! You can now take the X Gym workout home with you or on a trip! No equipment is required, so anyone can do it anywhere. Since the workout takes only 20 minutes, and the frequency is merely twice a week,…

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