Mental programming

Why Fat is Stubborn in Certain Places

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Why Fat is Stubborn in Certain Places

Have you ever wondered why it’s hard to lose body fat in the places you want to lose it the most? Here’s a video on why that is and what to do about it, using a cool brain training trick!

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The Trigger Technique

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on The Trigger Technique

Do you ever find yourself procrastinating? Well, if you’re like most people, you tend to procrastinate the things that feel like chores, duties, or just seem too overwhelming. Starting new habits is also a very common time when procrastination rears its ugly head. So how do we get around this procrastination problem? I certainly don’t…

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Weight Loss Can Be Just Like the Stock Market

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Weight Loss Can Be Just Like the Stock Market

Does the chart here look anything like a declining stock to you? Do you know what the terms “resistance” and “support” mean in stock market terms? If you do, you can see this clearly in this chart. Stock can fluctuate seemingly at will which can make investing offputting to newcomers to the investment world. Therefore,…

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gym resolutions

Calling All Resolutionaries

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Calling All Resolutionaries

Welcome to my two-part post. In the first part, I will discuss the term, “Resolutionary,” why being a Resolutionary is a problem, and an easy solution to that problem. In the second part, I will discuss how to actually make your resolution successful this year. Part 1: Are you a New Year’s Resolutionary?  Every year, about…

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Worrying is Bad For Your Brain!

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Worrying is Bad For Your Brain!

Let’s start this topic with a couple questions I have for you: Would you rather:   1.) Create a scenario where there is a possibly of being disappointed later or,    2.) Create a scenario where you have a 100% guarantee of being disappointed now? When you make up a Worst Case Scenario (WCS) in your…

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Need to Break Out of a Crummy Mood? Label it!

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Need to Break Out of a Crummy Mood? Label it!

We all know how powerful gratitude is and have the advice, “Don’t worry, be happy,” but at times, that advice is certainly easier said than done. Sometimes it feels impossible to break out of a funk or negative state of mind, but there is hope – and even specific strategies as well! One of these is…

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