

Another Attack on Erythritol

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Another Attack on Erythritol

According to recent media coverage of a recent “study,” eating erythritol can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.  While the headlines about this “study” were sensational and scary (like other hit pieces), it’s really just another assault on healthy choices – this time an alternative sweetener that can help people lose weight, get…

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Top 2023 New Year’s Resolutions

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Top 2023 New Year’s Resolutions

There wasn’t much of a change this year from last year, but here is the 2023 list of the top 10 NY resolutions for the USA: Losing weight Getting in shape Eating healthier Spending more time with family and friends Saving more money Getting organized Drinking less alcohol and/or smoking less Reducing stress Learning a…

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top 7 tips

PJ’s Top 7 Nutrition Tips

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on PJ’s Top 7 Nutrition Tips

There’s no perfect diet for everyone, but there are some general tips that work well for most people, listed below. I say “most people” because everyone is different, with their own preferences, allergies, intolerances, etc., so when following any advice – even mine – be sure to ask your medical professional about it before implementing…

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How God blessed X Gym through the COVID times

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on How God blessed X Gym through the COVID times

Many people have asked how X Gym made it through the COVID period of mandates, lockdowns, restrictions, ect., when so many other gyms went out of business, and we have a great story about that! In fact, PJ Glassey, X Gym founder and CEO has even given a talk on it for his favorite business…

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triangle wellness

PJ’s Super Simple Triangle Wellness Plan

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on PJ’s Super Simple Triangle Wellness Plan

You may have seen my posts on getting well and staying well, but some have asked me boil it down to just a few of the most important things to do – especially when it comes to prevention during the colds and flu season. So, here is the bare minimum easy peasy plan: Vitamin D,…

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Science 2020

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Science 2020

You may have noticed that “science” has changed a lot since COVID hit the headlines and I’d like to remind you what it was prior to all this lest we forget altogether. In fact, I’ll let two prominent liberal scientists do it for me: Since COVID, we’ve had an all-out attack on science. The greatest…

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