How to Get Xtreme Xponential Results at X Gym

When people join X Gym and do Xactly what PJ tells them, Xtreme transformations like this happen in a matter of months:

“Incredible! How did you do it”

Both of these people heard the same above comment from people they know, and both naturally used the same reply.

There have been many such Xamples since PJ started as a personal trainer in 1987. Since then, he has continued to evolve and improve his knowledge and coaching skills to this day, with no intention of ever stopping (because he’s addicted to it as a research nerd).

Here are the seven main reasons PJ and his X Gym produce such Xtreme and Xponentially better results than other trainers and gyms:

1.) PJ’s Xtensive research in nutrition, exercise, brain science, health, and anti-aging averages about two or more hours per day since 1988, which is about 27,000 hours so far at the time of this post. Since AI came out in 2023, however, his 2+ hours a day is equivalent to about 10X that because of Chat GPT, Claude.AI,, and making topics Xponentially easier to find, analyze, and design new Xperiments. This allows PJ to give X Gym members the best coaching in nutrition, Xercise, brain training, health, and fitness.

PJ is also an Exercise Physiologist and author of Cracking Your Calorie Code, which discusses all the reasons X Gym methods and philosophies work so much better than traditional training and philosophies. PJ has also written hundreds of blog posts, making the knowledge base on quite extensive. To make it easier for his gym members and Xercise App members to sift through all the content, he has added a special webpage for them to “ask” him questions related to fitness, health, nutrition, and brain science, where an AI-powered chatbot programmed with all of his content provides guidance.

2.) The seven X Gym methods were perfected after 10 years of training clients in homes, from 1988 to 1998 (when the X Gym opened). Since then, three have completely changed because PJ is constantly Xperimenting with new ideas, creating improvements to the system, and making it better with time.

The reason our methods are so magical is due to the Time Under Tension (TUT) principle and the Complete Muscle Fatigue (CMF) at the end of each Xercise. This is how we produce endurance and strength results together in each 21-minute workout. We also have 7 methods and 21 splinter techniques, so variety is automatically built in for the brain, muscles, and nerves, which prevents those pesky plateaus that plague traditional fitness routines.

Our unique style requires Xtreme focus, which trains the brain, nerves, and muscles. Because we are doing controlled movements that take 2.5 to 3.5 minutes of constant contraction, it’s actually another form of meditation, benefiting the brain in the same way. The controlled movements also train the nerves far more than traditional training, so coordination, balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, and functional fitness improve much more.

This is also why we don’t have the typical weight stack exercise machines other gyms do because we are developing free-motion, functional fitness for our members. Machines can’t do that. They are great for bulking people up, so bodybuilders should definitely use them, but for the rest of us who want to define and tone our bodies instead of getting big and bulky, free-motion exercises are the best way.

3.) PJ, the founder of X Gym, has been called the “OG” biohacker, as he has been biohacking since 1987. Because of the long history, the knowledge, gizmos, and gadgets he has acquired are truly unmatched.  This allows members to have access to the latest ideas, concepts, and technology to get results faster and safer than other trainers and fitness studios.

4.) X Gym’s Brain Type Test helps people determine which brain type they are and discover custom hacks for their brain type to rewire their brain, allowing them to get past hurdles and establish permanent fitness habits more easily and faster than ever.

5.) Our $10,000 scale uses bioelectrical impedance technology to segment the body showing how much fat and muscle members have in each arm, leg, torso, and visceral fat without the problem of human error that plagues other trainers who use skinfold and/or circumference measurement techniques.

6.) VO2 testing can be done with our PNOE unit which measures oxygen and carbon dioxide for Xcellent accuracy. Most other gyms don’t have a gas exchange VO2 device, and if they do, it’s the cheaper versions that measure only oxygen, which is much less accurate. Our unit also measures resting metabolic rate and even shows the percent of fat to carbs you are burning at rest or exercise.

7.) Our goal-setting hacks give us the best success rate, whether that be for New Year’s “resolutionaries,” spring training folks, or anyone else, regardless of season or reason. It’s been said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” That’s true, and we know best how to help you with that plan!

We’re not just for people who want to LOOK different though. Lots of people come to us for functional fitness, coordination improvement, sports-specific training, balance and stability, flexibility, and even injury rehab because of our Xtraordinary safety record in the industry. Some don’t care how they look at all. They’re just looking for quality of life improvement, to feel better, to have more energy, and to be able to do the things they enjoy within an active lifestyle.

No one is forced into a strict diet either. Customized nutrition guidance is certainly available to our members, but even if someone is on the “Twinkie diet,” they are still going to get incredible strength, endurance, toning, mental, and nerve training results despite their crummy diet because our amazing methodology really is that good!

Since we are known for our Xtreme nerve training benefits, even people with MS, dementia, Parkinson’s, and Muscular Dystrophy have come to us for help with amazing results. And along related lines, people also come to us to drastically slow, or even reverse the effects of aging. We have countless stories of people who have looked and felt younger after training with us because of the seven points listed above.

We have a great return rate too. When people leave the X Gym, for whatever reason, they often come back (like Queg pictured above) because they got the best results with us. No one else can come close to the results we produce.

Success in your fitness program is directly related to your willingness to be uncomfortable. You can be very uncomfortable for a short period of time, or moderately uncomfortable for a long period of time. A good example of this is the intense discomfort with X Gym methods for 21 minutes versus the moderate discomfort at a traditional gym like 24-hour fitness for ​3.5 hours to yield similar results. Yes, you read that right. Each 21-minute workout at X Gym produces similar results to 3.5 hours of traditional training, based on the data we have gathered since 1998.

In our modern society, finding comfort is easy, so getting outside of that comfort zone can take courage. Exercising your courage muscle also helps you get better at doing those other things you keep putting off. Training at X Gym will strengthen that courage muscle. Moderate training at other gyms won’t do it, and it’ll take a lot more time not getting those results.

Ready to give it a try? To find out more about how to join X Gym, go the Xtra mile, save a ton of time, and even gain Xclusive Xtra access to PJ, schedule a call with him by emailing today!