You’ve likely heard about hydrogen water and its many touted health benefits. If not, go to for a deep dive down this worthy rabbit hole. To understand the significance of hydrogen water, it’s essential to delve into the role of free radicals—unstable molecules that can wreak havoc in the body. We’ve previously explored how…
Read MoreWhether you like it or not, your subconscious mind is in control of you. It controls 99% of your habits and routines. It controls 90% of your thoughts. It controls 80% of your actions. It controls 70% of your words. Your thoughts become words. Words become beliefs. Beliefs become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become…
Read MoreI just asked ChatGPT, “If I was stranded on a desert island for the rest of my life and had an unlimited supply of just seven foods, what should they be?” It said: “Eggs, sweet potatoes, salmon, spinach, lentils, almonds, and bananas.” I said, “Wouldn’t these six foods be better than your seven:…
Read MoreCaffeine, a stimulant found in coffee, tea, and over 60 plants, is a widely consumed “energy booster.” However, its energizing effects are more illusion than reality—caffeine doesn’t create energy but instead borrows it from the body’s future reserves, especially as the body desensitizes to it, requiring more for the same effects. Here’s how it works…
Read MoreI’m sure you are familiar with “flu season” and the uptick in illnesses during the winter. This yearly cycle usually starts to ramp up at the end of September. Most people blame this on the “back to school” time of the year, with kids spreading bugs between each other and then bringing them home to…
Read MoreThe FDA term GRAS stands for “Generally Recognized As Safe,” regarding food and chemical additives and ingredients. Over 1000 chemical additives are currently used in processed food that are neither safety reviewed nor tested by the FDA, which includes natural flavors. According to a long-standing FDA ruling from the 1950s, food companies can conclude that…
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