If you know me, you probably already know the answer to this question, but let me explain a few facts first. 1.) It’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that toxins are fattening. The reason for this is because once a toxin is ingested, it starts to break your system down and negatively…
Read MoreOK, I admit that FLABonoids isn’t a real word, but I’m coining it now, so if I have any say, it will be in the dictionary within 10 years and I’ll be on the Ellen DeGeneres show talking about it. Actually, I didn’t even come up with the word myself. I have to give the…
Read MoreRemember when you were a kid, how you could stay skinny despite eating whatever you wanted? Well, here’s a video with some practical ways for you can get that kind of metabolism back at any age!
Read MoreHere’s a video of a talk I did on this subject. My goal is to get the truth out there – that calories really don’t matter and balancing your hormones is what matters most. Millions of people prove every year that diets and calorie restriction does not work with the human physiology, yet they keep…
Read MoreDoes the chart here look anything like a declining stock to you? Do you know what the terms “resistance” and “support” mean in stock market terms? If you do, you can see this clearly in this chart. Stock can fluctuate seemingly at will which can make investing offputting to newcomers to the investment world. Therefore,…
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