Have you ever wondered why the Atkins diet, South Beach diet, or other low carb programs work great until a certain point, and then fat loss levels off? People on low carb diets often go from obese to chubby and then stay there. Why does this happen? If it works so well in the beginning,…
Read MoreCOOKBOOKS ARE MAKING US FATTER A recent study showed that recipes from “The Joy of Cooking” have increased substantially in calorie count and portion size since the book’s original publication. There was a nearly 40 percent increase in calories per serving for practically every recipe reviewed. The study focused primarily on “The Joy of Cooking”…
Read MoreIt used to be thought that spot reduction was not possible. I even taught this theory myself, and advised clients that they would be unable to reduce fat in a certain area. I told them that they would just have to settle for wherever their body decided to lose fat, and in what order based…
Read MoreThe topic of how sleep affects fat loss is discussed more extensively in my book, “Cracking Your Calorie Code,” so be sure to check out the big picture there, but since I finished writing it, there have been some other interesting research studies that have come out teaching us even more about how we can…
Read MoreSAY NO TO NANO! I’m sure you have heard of nanotechnology, but have you heard of nano foods? They are microscopic bio engineered ingredients that alter the way your taste receptors work, and you may be eating them already if you’re consuming processed foods. A nano food that tricks you into “tasting” sugar or salt…
Read MoreIf God wanted us to be vegans, he would have created us with a mouth full of molars and four stomachs. Since we were meant to eat meat AND vegetables, vegans have to supplement their diets with certain micro nutrients if they want to truly thrive. I’m not dissing vegans here. I do respect anyone’s…
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