Finally! An organic meal delivery company that creates meals within the X Gym nutrition parameters!
I’ve been looking high and low to find a company to help busy X Gymers with meal prep and delivery, but until now, they either weren’t organic, weren’t fully cooked (maybe par-baked), or didn’t offer the right kind of macronutrient combinations for getting healthy and lean.
Then I found Trifecta, thanks to a friend of mine and past X Gymer, who discovered it and told me about it.
So I ordered a week’s worth of meals. And I loved it! So I kept ordering and now I’m hooked!
Here’s why I love Trifecta – besides the fact that it’s organic and comes in the right ratios of fat, protein and carbs.
- It shows up at my door, in a cooler box, fully cooked, seasoned and ready to eat. All I do is heat it up and eat.
- It averages only about $14 per meal. I’d pay at least twice that in an organic restaurant.
- It saves time and time is money. Sure, I could get the ingredients myself for about $10 bucks to make a meal like this at home, but when I factor in the time for grocery shopping, meal prep and clean up, it’s a bargain. I’m saving tons of time now and I know that’s also what most X Gymers want because X Gymers tend to be busy people.
- It’s delicious. The combinations of foods they choose and the seasonings they use are fantastic. It’s tastier than I would make, cooking for myself.
- They are packaged quite well, so it will be easy to take a bunch traveling too, in my special cooler bag that fits in my suitcase.
- The owners are my kind of peeps. I talked to them for almost an hour on the phone and they just want to help people – like we do at X Gym. We agreed that the best case scenario is for people to get back in their kitchens and make food for themselves, but in today’s world, that’s not always possible. Now, I have a source of meals just as nutritious and even more flavorful than I would make, but for none of the time!
Just click the link here to order yourself. I order the Paleo meal plans, so just scroll down the page to find that option. I also went with the 1 meal per day plan because I make my smoothie in the morning, then I eat Fitness Chocolate through the middle of the day and then I have a Trifecta meal for dinner. I also eat broiled broccoli (dipped in melted garlic butter) 3-4 times per week, for lunch or a bed time snack.
They have 1-4 meals per day plans, so just choose what fits your schedule, but I would recommend making at least 4 meals a week yourself, in your kitchen, onnaccounta that’s good for you. Click here for the post on that topic.
Do it now! I did! The sooner you start, the sooner you get that healthy body you want!