Not everyone will “get” the title of this post. X Gen’s probably will, but most Millennials and Boomers will only hear a “whooshing” sound as it flies over their head.
So for those mille/booms, I’ll explain: Back in the late 80’s, 90’s and even into the early 2000’s, the slang term “phat” came in and out of popularity. It was synonymous with “foxy,” if you are a Boomer and “MCM” or “WCW,” if you are a Millennial.
Now that we are all on the same page, here are my (recently refined, new and improved) 7 questions to help people decide if a food is unhealthy and fattening, or healthy and phattening.
And here is a vid with me (X Gen) and dad (Boomer) talking about processed foods and why they are so fattening.
And here is a vid featuring another of the thousands of fattening, processed, highly toxic “food like substances” that people are eating instead of extremely healthy, phattening Fitness Chocolate:
There. Now go get PHAT!