Being dehydrated can make you fat and keep you from losing fat, because when you are in this state, your kidneys aren’t working right, so your liver has to step in and help them out. One of your liver’s main jobs is to pull fat out of your tissues to be burned off and used…
Read MoreDid you know that getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night is a vital part of your fitness program? In fact, not getting enough sleep is downright fattening. I know of someone who put his sleeping habits aside to get through finals and gained 5 pounds in about 9 days. He didn’t change any other…
Read MoreCoke totally rocks! I buy Coke regularly and have found that it really improves my quality of life. Here are my favorite 7 ways to use Coke. I hope these tips enrich your life as much as they have mine. 1.) Toilet bowl cleaner. Pour a can into your toilet bowl and let it sit…
Read MoreOf course you’d expect me to say so, but science has uncovered some compelling evidence that backs me up: Exercise triggers mitochondrial biogenesis, a decline of which is common in aging; this reverses significant age-associated declines in mitochondrial mass, and in effect, stops aging in its tracks. Aside from impacting your skeletal muscle and fat…
Read MoreI’ve been preaching fast (short duration, high intensity) exercise since I got tired of slow (long duration, low intensity) back in 1987, so there’s no surprise about my choice. Personally, I train less than 10 minutes a day, so by the end of the week, I have worked out for less than an hour – including cardio,…
Read MoreI have been talking a lot about training the brain to get your dream body, but does it work the other way around? Scientist have found that it does indeed. It turns out that trimming down your body actually bulks up your brain! There is an inverse relationship between brain size and body size when…
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