
PJs Fav Five

PJ’s Favorite Five meal delivery services

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on PJ’s Favorite Five meal delivery services

You’re busy. I get that! So am I. It’s hard to find time to shop, prep and cook, but processed “convenience” foods are a killer and eating out of bags and boxes is the fastest way to get fat and come down with some nasty ravaging disease. So if you have to have someone make…

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Beege and Peege Xperiment with a new AB Xercise…

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Beege and Peege Xperiment with a new AB Xercise…

Bev and PJ (aka Beege and Peege) were goofing around again in the X Gym with the new Terra Core gizmo, coming up with a new ab exercise, and this one rocks! It takes only a couple minutes to completely Xhaust the abs in a safe and Xtremely effective way. Check out the video below:…

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Three simple steps to eating a smaller meal while enjoying it more

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Three simple steps to eating a smaller meal while enjoying it more

Thanksgiving! Christmas! New Year’s Eve! Office parties! Holiday parties! Leftovers! Alcohol! Result: 7+ lbs. of extra weight each holiday season. Halloween candy is actually what starts the seasonal binge cycle and for most people, the candy gets into the house in September when the stores start selling it. So how do we break this cycle?…

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X Gym’s Xscream Machine Xperiments

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on X Gym’s Xscream Machine Xperiments

The X Gym is the best place for high-intensity workouts, but it is also known as the safest gym. Most high-intensity gyms have a high injury rate, so many people think gyms that offer this type of workout are also high risk. That certainly is true of many Crossfit gyms and other traditional training gyms,…

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What’s Xdojo?

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on What’s Xdojo?

X Gym is sometimes Xplained as more of a dojo than a gym because of the intense focus required of the methodology and the controlled nature of the motions, so we decided to try a new Xperiment! Here’s the Xciting Xdojo concept in a nutshell: Voluntary participation with no requirements. Come and go as you…

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How to be a budget biohacker

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on How to be a budget biohacker

Many people have asked me this question when I describe myself as a biohacker. For those of you who aren’t fans of reading, here’s the shortcut (“hacked”) definition from the dictionary: biohacker \ ˈbī-​ō-​ˌha-​kər  \ noun, plural biohackers. Somebody who uses science and technology to make his or her body function better and more efficiently. Now you know! And for those…

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