America now tops the list of the fattest countries in the first world. In fact, new data shows that we are about 60% obese as a population now, when measured by bodyfat instead of that worthless “BMI” measurement our government insists on using. It’s about time that us Americans start making real efforts to decrease the drastic…
Read MoreIt might surprise you to know that some foods people regard as “healthy” are crammed so full of sugar, they are pretty much as bad as a Snickers as far as your pancreas and waistline are concerned. Here are just a few (7 to be exact): The Huffington Post recently outed several foods that are so high in sugar,…
Read MoreI posted a list in an X Gym newsletter of my favorite anti aging supplements and had many requests for more information like how much do I take, why are they good, etc. so here are the answers along with the list. Keep in mind that I’m not a big supplements person per say, but most of…
Read MoreMy Christian vegan friends ask me from time to time, how my Christian conscience allows me to eat animal products, since in their view, Jesus was a vegan. Well, my answer is simple. I don’t believe Jesus was a vegan and I’ll explain why I have this personal opinion below (and then why it really…
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Read MoreI signed a petition to Michelle Obama today on the topic of genetically modified organisms, (GMO food) which says: “Michelle, tell President Obama to honor his campaign promise to require GMO labeling and ask him to endorse California’s Proposition 37, a citizens’ ballot initiative to label GMOs.” Why am I sending this to Michelle? Well,…
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