Eating to be lean, healthy and strong really isn’t that hard to figure out. In fact, it can be done by following 7 rules. Even if you just follow the first 4 you will be doing better than 90% of the population in this country. Try just one new rule to start and when you…
Read MoreDid you know that getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night is a vital part of your fitness program? In fact, not getting enough sleep is downright fattening. I know of someone who put his sleeping habits aside to get through finals and gained 5 pounds in about 9 days. He didn’t change any other…
Read MoreHow would you like to lose your belly and expand your brain at the same time? A new study has revealed that meditation may enhance key structures in the brain responsible for learning, memory, and emotion control. This adds gray matter, but also reduces the belly due to an increase in willpower and a resulting improved ability to…
Read MoreFirst of all, the book titled, ” The China Study” written by Dr. Campbell is an observational study. Even though the author is a doctor and should have known better, he made the blunder of a layperson by assuming causation from observational correlations. His claim on the cover, “The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever…
Read MoreThere has been a lot of press lately about chocolate and it’s health benefits – especially when Valentine’s day is just around the corner. Chocolate is one of the most common Valentine’s day gifts and there is good reason for that, both on a conscious and a subconscious level. First, most chocolates have sugar, which…
Read MoreThis is me in 2002 at age 35, on sugar. This is me in 2007 at age 40, off sugar. Who looks older? When I get my new license this May, I’ll be 45. I think I look even younger than I did at 40. I sure FEEL younger! I’m leaner, stronger…
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