There are many techniques we use at X Gym to help members reach their goals faster and easier than they ever thought possible. Below is an Xample of just one of these hacks to give you a little taste. To find your unique hack though, we would have you take our Brain Type Test to find out what technique will make the most sense to your unique brain wiring and design it just for you for maximum success.
For 5 of the 16 brain types, the following technique works great. It is listed as the #1 hack because it applies to most brain types (5 of the 16).
Step 1.) Write your top 3-5 health and fitness goals for this year, worded in the present tense, as if they have already happened. Below are a few examples:
I am a lean 155 pounds.
I love to eat organic green veggies and grass-fed meat.
I can do 25 pushups in one minute.
Step 2.) Ask yourself, “If I could wave a magic wand and have one thing on my list right now, which of these goals would have the greatest positive impact on my life?
Step 3.) Write that goal on a new sheet of paper and make that your main focus. Set a realistic deadline; make a list of everything you have to do to accomplish it; organize the list into a checklist; and take action by doing one or more things on that checklist every day, no Xceptions, so if you go on a trip or vacation, you take your paper with you and continue this habit.
That’s it! Maybe this will work great for you, or you might need a more customized hack, so in that case, you can take the test, or contact PJ to see how X Gym can help you with in-club training, or live online training and coaching from anywhere in the world.