
Metabolism Day

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Metabolism Day

It’s a Party and You’re Invited! See the graphic below for the details on the lab panel blood draw (it’s super quick and easy), testing your metabolic biomarkers. You will learn crucial information about your metabolism and health, so you can target any issues through tweaking your exercise, lifestyle habits, and nutrition to optimize it…

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Why did lockdown weight gain hit Millennials the hardest?

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Why did lockdown weight gain hit Millennials the hardest?

Remember back in March 2020, when the politicians told us the initial lockdown would take “Just two weeks to flatten the curve?” Well, we all know that turned into more weeks, then months, and then letting up, and then locking down again, much like a conditioning schedule in an experimental lab. This is why many…

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gratitude present 1

The Neuroscience of Thanksgiving

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on The Neuroscience of Thanksgiving

We all know that Thanksgiving is a time for being grateful. This year might be the most challenging as we find new COVID-friendly ways to celebrate the holidays, likely without your favorite traditions and favorite people. But with change comes an opportunity to focus on what we do have. Practicing gratitude is simply taking time to…

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Burnout Busters

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Burnout Busters

Big time burnout is building with our new COVID-forced work from home society now. People are taking fewer vacations, less breaks, and working longer hours at home than they did at the office. Parents are trying to juggle the stuff they have to get done for work with the stuff kids have to get done…

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Top 7 things PJ does to prevent COVID (and what he would do if he got it)

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Top 7 things PJ does to prevent COVID (and what he would do if he got it)

I’ve talked a lot since February on what the research has to say about COVID, how to prevent it by staying healthy, and tips on boosting your immune system. I’ve done this through videos, blog posts, and more, but it’s a LOT of info, so people have asked me to simplify it for both pre…

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covid BF

Lockdown weight gain or weight loss?

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Lockdown weight gain or weight loss?

Did you gain weight or lose weight during the lockdown? From what I’ve seen so far with my friends, about 80% gained weight, 15% stayed the same, and 5% lost weight. The graphic here shows my BEI results (this is our $10,000 bioelectrical impedance machine). I sure didn’t, and neither did my wife. We both…

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