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Your Brain on Xercise

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Your Brain on Xercise

Regular exercise boosts your productivity, focus, mood, relationships, and more. When you exercise, your body creates a vast cascade of chemicals and hormones that change your brain in the short term, but also grows new neurons in the long term for a happier, stronger, better, younger, and more productive you! Don’t take my word for…

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Neil deGrasse Tyson

Banned and deleted videos page

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Banned and deleted videos page

All righty then! Since YouTube has appointed itself as the supreme authority on pretty much everything, and makes up its own ever-changing rules to control what you see (and hopefully think), I had to create a backup channel on Brighteon, which is a site that honors free speech and an open discussion of science. How…

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“New” data validates Time Under Tension

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on “New” data validates Time Under Tension

I always get a chuckle when “new discoveries” emerge from elsewhere validating the things we have been doing for decades, like Time Under Tension (TUT), a term I coined back in 1989 when running experiments on my own personal training clients to develop the X Gym methods we have today. Tonal brand exercise machines just…

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The Facemask Debate SOLVED with Physics 101 (and confirmed by the CDC)

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on The Facemask Debate SOLVED with Physics 101 (and confirmed by the CDC)

Lots of people think the “research” on the effectiveness of masks is “debatable” because there seem to be “studies” on both sides of the “argument,” (which I’m more than happy to discuss separately – PLEASE), but what happens if we use the laws of PHYSICS as the science on mask effectiveness? Isn’t physics less biased…

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4 minute stretching routine

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on 4 minute stretching routine

X Gymers are busy people, so we are great at condensing the workouts while Xpanding the benefits and results, but did you know we are also Xperts at stretching routines? Most X Gymers don’t stretch. And maybe they don’t need to. Flexibility is built-in to the X Gym workout, so people do become more flexible…

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Metabolism Day Freebies

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Metabolism Day Freebies

Congrats on joining us for X Gym’s first Xclusive Metabolism Day! To get your freebies, follow the steps below: 1.) Click here to go to the Metabolism Day page and sign up for metabolism Day (if you haven’t already). 2.) If you want the free BEI test, email pj@xgym.com and let him know you’re signed…

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