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Lack of exercise, not diet, is the top cause of obesity

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Lack of exercise, not diet, is the top cause of obesity

We used to think obesity was caused by diet. And that’s certainly the #2 reason, but exercise is actually the #1 reason, recent studies show. Yes, they have now switched places for top-ranking cause. One such study, “Lack of exercise, not diet, linked to rise in obesity, Stanford research shows” examined national health survey data…

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Apeel food coating red flags

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Apeel food coating red flags

There’s a new synthetic (red flag 1) food coating on the block, meant to preserve food beyond its natural shelf life (red flag 2). It’s called Apeel and funded by the usual suspects for profit and greed: Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank Group, Anne Wojcicki, and Susan Wojcicki (red flags 3-7). The fully corrupted…

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junk brain

How junk food rewires your brain

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on How junk food rewires your brain

First, let’s get something clear. There’s technically no such thing as “junk food.” There’s food, and there’s junk. Junk food isn’t food. It’s a “food-like substance” that is engineered and manufactured to feel and taste like food, but the ultra-processing turns it into a different category that your body doesn’t recognize as food. It’s just…

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Exercise changes gut microbes to reduce inflammation and disease

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Exercise changes gut microbes to reduce inflammation and disease

I’ve long taught that exercise favorably changes the balance of your gut microbiome, independent of diet, to raise your metabolism and fat-burning ability. I’ve also taught how important exercise is for your immune health. And I’ve explained how exercise – especially intense exercise like X Gym – gives you the “high” which helps with mood,…

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Good activity levels override bad genes

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Good activity levels override bad genes

More good news – especially for post-menopausal women! Here’s the bottom line: A new research paper examined the relationship between physical activity, sedentary time, and mortality risk among older women, and whether this relationship is affected by genetic predisposition for longevity. The study used data from the Objective Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health cohort of…

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Does running wear out your knees?

By PJ Glassey / / Comments Off on Does running wear out your knees?

I get this question a lot, and often as a statement from runners who assume their osteoarthritis is a result of their past running. I was recently sent this article by a doctor friend who wanted my thoughts on it because the “study” claims that running does not cause osteoarthritis (the wearing down of the…

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