If you know me, you are aware that I tell everyone and their dog to drink more water. How much? Take you weight in pounds and divide by two. That’s how many ounces you should be drinking if you are 100 – 250 lbs. When people follow this advice, they complain that they are beating…
Read MoreYep! It’s official! 1/9/13 is National Take the Stairs Day! Use this day to elevate your own health by banning elevators and escalators!
Read MoreYep. Check out this dude. Age is truly only what you let it be! To read the entire post about him and watch his inspirational talk, click here.
Read MoreIt seemed like this year had some really nasty bugs going around. These bugs also seemed more contagious than I have seen before. I usually get a pretty good pulse on bugs going around because of how many people I see each day through my gyms. People ask me all the time how I avoid…
Read MoreGreen vegetables are the most nutritious type of food on the planet. They beat everything else hands down, no contest. Friends, family, and clients often ask me what are the best green vegetables and my usual answer is the darker green, the better, because that is an indicator of the amount of nutrients in the…
Read MoreBy Alki X Gym trainer, Aaron Wagar Many of you may have heard of CrossFit’s mascot Uncle Pukey. You may have even seen T-shirts depicting him. But I wonder how many of you have heard of CrossFit’s Uncle Rhabdo? Personally, I was shocked when I heard of him. Uncle Rhabdo is a clown. In the classic…
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