Why it’s important to do your own research

clavicle b and afta

You probably already know that I often say, “Question everything and believe no one.” Well, here is another example of that. The first two doctors I saw for my broken clavicle were less knowledgeable than I was (not to brag – just a fact because I do my own research), so I landed on a third who came highly recommended. He did know more than the first two but still got something wrong that is quite important.

I asked about the ligamentous phase of bone formation (which I’m currently in – see my x-rays above), but he “corrected me” claiming there is no such phase.

The three phases of bone formation in a fracture are vital to know, in order to properly treat the fracture with the right actions, nutrition, and supplementation.

Thanks to A.I. like Chat GPT and Caude.ai, it’s easier now, more than ever, to do your own research. There’s literally no excuse anymore to NOT do it. Here’s how Chat GPT described the phase my “best” doctor didn’t know about:

The initial phase of bone healing involves the formation of a soft tissue called the fracture hematoma. This is followed by the development of a soft callus, which is primarily composed of collagen and cartilage and is more ligamentous in nature. This soft callus bridges the gap between the broken bone ends and stabilizes the fracture site.

Subsequently, the soft callus is gradually replaced by a hard callus through a process called endochondral ossification, where the cartilage is replaced by woven bone. Finally, the woven bone is remodeled into strong, lamellar bone, restoring the bone’s original structure and strength.

The reason this is important to know about is because while in the “ligamentous” phase, it’s possible to tear that ligamentous material apart with a fall or being too aggressive with initial rehab. Then you’re back to square one (or worse, with a displacement, that would likely require surgery).

To see what I’m doing each day to heal my clavicle, follow the journey through any of these X Gym social media channels:

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