Are you confused with all the misinformation out there? Are you tired of hearing all the conflicting opinions out there on health and fitness? It’s not your imagination. Even the “experts” rarely agree, but here is a 4 step process to get to the truth. 1.) Believe no one (including me). 2.) Question everything you hear. 3.)…
Read MoreI’m sure you have heard it said, “You are what you eat.” And it’s true, to an extent, because people who eat crap, certainly end up feeling, and looking, like crap. But what if we switched those words around a bit and followed the advice, “Eat WHAT you are?” By this I mean, wouldn’t it…
Read MorePeople know about my low-carb lifestyle and they occasionally try to explain to me that the human body needs carbohydrates for energy. Or that the brain has to have carbs in order to run properly. Or that carbs are somehow necessary for optimal health. And I have yet to hear this “advice” coming from someone…
Read MoreYou probably already know by now that the whole “low-fat” revolution is the main cause for the massive obesity pandemic we have today. Ancel Keys started the myth decades ago that fat is fattening and our government took his flawed science and ran with it, causing our society (and now the rest of the world)…
Read MoreMainstream media has launched an all-out assault on coconut oil and the gluten-free movement this week, with articles such as: 1. Everything you knew about coconut oil is wrong. My comment: How do you know what I know about coconut oil and what makes you the sole expert on the subject? 2. The debate over coconut…
Read will stay here as my virtual “pamphlet” on the web, but I’m now using for my new activity because through combining the marketing talents of Beege (aka Bev), and the content creation of Peege (me), we will be able to help way more people together than I can alone on this blog. If you are a…
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