Are Genetically Modified Foods Fattening?

Are Genetically Modified Foods Fattening

If you know me, you probably already know the answer to this question, but let me explain a few facts first.

1.) It’s been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that toxins are fattening. The reason for this is because once a toxin is ingested, it starts to break your system down and negatively affects your health. Your body quickly recognizes this and goes into action to get that crap out of your system as fast as possible. It can do this through vomiting and diarrhea, as with food poisoning, or as in the case of more subtle poisons, it will decide to store that poison in the safest storage facility possible, which ends up being your fat cells. Now that your fat cells are full of poison, your body will be more reluctant to liberate those cells to be burned off for energy because that would let the poison back out.

2.) GM foods are full of chemicals and compounds that your body recognizes as toxins. Because of what was explained above, you can easily understand why unhealthy toxic people have a hard time losing body fat.

3.) Healthy people who are naturally detoxed because of their clean food choices on the other hand, find it much easier to lose body fat when they want to. Therefore, it’s obvious that if you want to get fit and be as lean as you want to, you have to be a healthy person to do that. This is why I counsel my clients and X Gym members to get healthy first and then work on fat loss second.

4.) Chronic inflammation makes fat storing easy and fat burning more difficult. People who are overweight are also inflamed, so it certainly makes sense to reduce inflammation to assist with weight loss. GM foods cause inflammation and therefore make it harder to lose weight. Why do GM foods cause inflammation? It’s because of the foreign material that is injected into the food. This foreign material consists of chemicals and toxins designed to either kill  bugs  or make the plant resistant to herbicides. You can see this inflammation reaction to foreign material on a small scale when you cut yourself. Even a small cut  like a paper cut will get red and inflamed because small paper particles got into the cut and your body  is reacting to those particles with inflammation. It’s the same thing when you eat foreign materials that your body don’t recognize as real food, but it’s just on a much larger scale because you’re ingesting large amounts into your system.

Now it might seem like I’m switching gears here for a moment, but I’d like to explain a couple things about the largest herbicide and insecticide company in the world. Monsanto is the corporation that produced Agent Orange and claimed that was safe, which might make you go, “Hmmmmm.”

Then when you take into consideration that they also claimed that DDT and PCBs were safe, how much trust does that invoke in their ability to report safety about chemicals (which should be their specialty)?

Oh, and they also make the herbicide called Roundup, which kills all foliage – just like Agent Orange did, as well as a host of other chemicals that are toxic to all living things – including animals – thanks mostly to a chemical they invented called glyphosate.

Anyone can easily see that Monsanto is the undisputed world champion in creating toxins and underestimating (or lying about) their safety, but guess what else they make?



Yep, food for humans as well as most of the food that feeds the animals humans eat.

Doesn’t this seem a little strange?

Have you even noticed at your grocery store how the chemical isle (cleaners, ferilizers, weed killers, etc.) is always separate from the food isle? If not, check it out next time you are shopping. They don’t let food near the chemical isle so they don’t come close to cross-contaminating. Even the fumes are harmful to food, because food and chemicals don’t play well together. Food is natural and chemicals are not, so that makes sense that they don’t play well together, right?

Apparently not to all of us, because Monsanto makes unnatural chemicals in the lab as well as unnatural food in the lab – otherwise known as “genetically modified” or “GM” for short. You may also recognize GM food through the term “GMO,” which stands for “genetically modified organism.”

Monsanto don’t separate the chemical isle from the food isle back at their factory. In fact, they mix them together. They do this by genetically inserting their insecticide into the food itself, so they don’t have to spray it. When bugs eat it they die because it’s already in the cells of the food instead of on the outside of the food from spraying. Good for their profits, but bad for you, because now you can’t wash that crap off before you eat it.

Oh, and their many different insecticide formulations are also the reason our bee population is dying off. Once we lose all the bees (which could be very soon) over one third of our food supply on this planet will also go extinct. That’s also good for Monsanto because then they get to control what food is left on this planet, but bad for you, because they then get to control what food is left on this planet.

Monsanto also genetically modifies the plant to not die when they spray Roundup on it. All the plants around it die, but not the genetically modified plant. Good for their profits, but bad for you, because it just creates super weeds due to the increased use of their herbicide product, and that crap ends up in the soil, which quickly makes the soil unusable within a few crop generations and those chemicals seep down into the water table which ends up in your water and the water that feeds other plants down stream and down the hill.

There is nothing healthy about GMO foods. This is a fact that no one can refute. GMO foods have little to no nutritional value and because of the chemicals they contain, are flat out toxic based on the research conducted. This is why most other countries in the world don’t allow them in anymore. So why do we still allow them? Because this is an American invention and in America, it’s easy to censor and squash the research studies and news reports that would tell you it’s toxic.

Our own government knows this, but because there is so much money to be made, they are part of the cover up. FDA scientists repeatedly warned that GMOs could create allergies, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems, and that rigorous safety testing was needed. But the White House had instructed the FDA to promote biotechnology, and Michael Taylor, Monsanto’s former attorney, was put in charge of FDA policy. Taylor later became Monsanto’s chief lobbyist, and has now returned to FDA as US Food Czar. How’s that for a conflict of interest?

How about now? Knowing all this, do you really think you can trust Monsanto with your family’s health? If your answer is yes, then you are either in denial, purposely lying to yourself, and/or work for the government or Monsanto.

So what’s the solution? We all know that voting is great and I still do it, despite the fact that most voting regions have fixed results, so how can we make a difference? By voting with our wallets every time we go to the grocery store. Buying organic is a much safer that, and if that’s not feasible or affordable, then look for the foods with labels that publish things like, “Non-GMO.” There are certain stores that refuse to carry GM of foods, but may not necessarily be 100% organic, and this is another great way to shop.

Why am I so concerned with this issue? The answer is simple. My mission is to help people get fitter and as mentioned above, the healthier you are, the fitter you can get and the faster that will happen. People who eat poorly, including lots of GM foods, find it much harder (and in some cases impossible) to get in shape.

In fact, research and empirical data indicate that GM foods are downright fattening. Most toxins are fattening and GM food is no exception. Switching to food that is not genetically modified is an easy fix that really does make a huge difference! Don’t wait to make this switch either. If you are in doubt, cut it out! Then take some time to research it yourself and while you are doing that, you won’t be poisoning yourself even more.

Speaking of doing your own research, start by clicking here.