I really enjoyed the lecture with Tim Van Orden a week ago. Thank you to all who attended. I hope you agree it was a fun, informative, and valuable event. (For those of you who couldn’t attend, you can purchase a DVD of the presentation shortly – watch your Facebook, Twitter and the newsletter for the announcement it’s available.) I especially enjoyed watching those of you who attended squirm with the dilemma Tim presented to you regarding protein and fruit (among other things). I let you stew about it for a week so you would fill your heads with questions and doubts. Everyone should always question what they hear and strive to seek out both sides of every story.
Well, now you’ve certainly heard both sides! Tim’s message and website (www.runningraw.com) is certainly different from my message and the X Gym’s philosophy on nutrition isn’t it? Did he rock your world and shake your state just a smidge? I certainly hope so. Many of you wondered why I agreed to do a joint lecture with him at all, since he flies in the face of so much of what I preach.
Be your own expert
The reason is, I don’t want you to blindly believe anyone. Not me, not Tim, not your mom, or even your doctor. What I want is for you to know that there is an amazing amount of information out there, and if you research it yourself to form your own opinions, you will be able to adapt quickly as new information comes out. You will be trying your own experiments and finding what is right for you because you know how, not just because someone told you what to do.
It has been established that within 5 years, you can become a national expert in any field by studying that field for just 30 minutes a day. Most people don’t have this kind of commitment however, so that explains why there aren’t that many national experts for each particular field. In the area of health and fitness, I have averaged over an hour a day of study since 1987, so my brain is a pretty good resource for you to use.
Many of you depend on me to get you the best information on exercise and nutrition, and that’s fine to get you started. I have the time to do the research and you probably don’t. My job is to be your resource and I take that very seriously, so keep depending on me. However, I encourage you to take a little time to do some of your own research as well, so that you aren’t dependent on me forever, and you can challenge me when you think I’m wrong.
Keep the questions coming
Almost half of the new things I investigate come from X Gym members and friends. People know I am into researching health and fitness, and that I am always experimenting with new ideas and methods. Because of this, I get a steady stream of links to studies, articles, news feeds, etc. Some of these I have already seen and can respond to right away, and some are new to me and require more research. Your questions and challenges are a great source of inspiration and learning for me, so keep ’em coming.
But what about vegan?
Tim’s message contains a lot of great information and useful tools. He is a close friend of mine and an amazingly intelligent man. Tim has researched his concepts more than anyone I know. He is in phenomenal shape and through his applied concepts, is one of the healthiest people I know as well. He is also far an away the healthiest vegan I have come across. For those who want to commit to a raw vegan lifestyle, Tim has the best way to do it and his concepts should be followed to the “T!” That way, you’ll understand how vegans get jacked for the gym too, whilst living the fit, healthy lifestyle you’ve always wanted too!
I am an omnivore however, and I love my meat. I have switched 95% of my other food to raw recently, and am loving that too! Is this the best way for you? Maybe, maybe not. Is it easy to implement? Yes. My time in the kitchen has sure dropped! Is it easy to sustain? For some. Any lifestyle change is tough at first, but with the right brain training, it can be very easy.
The point I wanted to make is that you shouldn’t believe everything you hear, no matter who it comes from. Remember your kid asking you “why” over and over until you hit a dead end? They are just trying to figure things out to the deepest level they can comprehend. You should do that too as an adult. Don’t be satisfied with the first answer, no matter how reputable you think the person is. Dig deeper and see if they really know what they are talking about. See how far you can push them and get all the information you can. This is how you learn and form your own opinions as to what works best for you.
Questions, comments and feedback
Here is my favorite comment: “I have X Gym members asking me about the major contradiction that was presented the other night! and I don’t know what to tell them until I talk to you… Unless you are changing your nutrition recommendations, I hope you NEVER do something like that again!”
Q. Is it better to eat fruit for breakfast or protein?
Q: What is your take on Tim’s comment that we’ve been misled to believe that eating protein right after our workout is totally wrong and not what our body needs?
Q: Are you adding fruit to ‘your menu’ now?
Comment: I liked the 11 e’s for peak performance (do all of you guys have your favorite letter or number?)
Comment: I liked how he broke down food into the 6 different types (fuel, fabricators, facilitators, fortifiers, fighters and fillers). I feel most people only think of food as fuel and ignore the remaining 5 (4, if you also exclude filler).
Comment: The raw fruits and veggies stuff makes sense, I’m on board with that.
Comment: One thing I felt Tim left out/didn’t mention is that the body can be turned to be a primarily fat burner (as opposed to a carb/sugar) burner. Now maybe in his research that doesn’t allow for peak performance. Either way I felt it should have been mentioned and then perhaps shown why he chose one over the other.
Comment: I think he scared a lot of people with the whole acrylamide thing. From my very preliminary internet research there doesn’t seem to be any consensus yet at what levels acrylamide becomes dangerous. I’m still skeptical. Humans have been cooking carbs for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years and only now we find out that this compound that occurs while frying, baking or roasting foods above 250 °F. Further that study with rats, they were given high doses. The level of acrylamide those rats were exposed to were orders of magnitude higher than any amount humans consume. I would imagine there is a giant list of compounds that give humans cancer in high enough doses.
Comment: I think it would have been nice if he offered a more detailed nutritional plan. Perhaps he could detail what he usually eats in a day. I felt he kinda said ‘hey being raw vegan is awesome but I won’t give you any clues how.’ Now it’s not extreme as that, but more practical advice would have been awesome.
Comment: How about the meat issue? Humans have evolved for millions of years eating meat. The human digestive system is designed to eat meat. Tim, himself, said mother nature is very, very smart character and should not be disregarded. I read recently, unfortunately I can’t remember which book, that human’s ability to consume relatively large amounts of meat effectively was one of the main factors to our superior brain and brain size development leading to our dominance as a species.
Even in controversy, there’s good news
More comments and Q&A soon, so send me yours too!