I’ve Been Just as Wrong as Everybody Else

I’ve Been Just as Wrong as Everybody Else

In my journey through exercise science and research since 1987, I have been “wrong” more times than most people, but I end up being “right,” sooner than most people as well because of all the research I do.

I fell for the “calorie – calorie out” myth just like everyone else.

I was duped into believing that the US government’s food pyramid was a healthy way of eating along with the masses.

The low-fat myth suckered me, just like billions of other people.

My original personal training clients, back in the late 80’s. were subjected to traditional training, using sets and reps because I didn’t know any better. I have since apologized to them for wasting so much of their time, now that I do know better.

Heck, I really have pretty much tried it all over the years I have been developing my own system for exercise, brain training and nutrition because I want to know what doesn’t work as well as what does work. Sometimes I’m surprised, because what I think will work doesn’t work, and what I think won’t work sometimes does work.

I do pride myself however, on my ability to find the stuff that does work better before most people do, because I’m spending at least two hours every day on average, studying the latest research and exercise, brain and nutrition science, and constantly trying those ideas and concepts on myself, friends, family and X Gym members.

This is what makes me “right” sooner than other people I know in my industry. Most of them usually fall in line with what I’m telling my peeps, but they are typically at least 15 years behind me.

What is “right” anyway? It’s not actually 100% “right” because there’s probably something better just around the corner that I haven’t discovered yet, but at least at the moment, it’s the “best” advice available for exercise, the brain and nutrition. The things I’m telling people today, might be “wrong” tomorrow, but at least my “wrong” is vastly more effective than most other people’s advice they currently think is “right.”

I love when I’m wrong because that always means I’ve just found something even better and I get to tell people about it!

This is why I’m thrilled every time somebody subscribes to this blog or signs up for my email list through xgym.com because I get to help one more person with the current “right” information at the time.

Thanks for being here and I will continue to remain passionate about delivering the most current and effective information to you until the day God takes me home (at around 119 years young or so).