Hello Alki X Gym!

Alki X GymThe first few days at the Alki X Gym went well, despite the fact that there were only 8 clients left for us by the time we took over last Wedesday (down from 110 about a month ago).

New clients are joining, past Alki X Gym members are returning, and some are coming over from Belltown, so things are looking better every day. We have some great plans to repair the damage that has been done, and our new outdoor boot camp program is already breathing new life back into it as well (contact Kailyn through k@xgym.com to get in on the classes).

Evan, Joanna, Steve, Mike and Kailyn are the best trainers in the world, so I couldn’t have a better team to make this the strongest X Gym ever. I am very excited to make this succeed again with the help of such a fine group of people. It will make us closer, tighter, and even better than ever before!

My specialty is start-ups, and it looks like we have been handed one here for sure. Besides, everyone likes a comeback kid…