Bone Course

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Welcome! Check back soon for more info, courses, and stages of this new course on bone healing and bone density.

PJ will be sharing his secrets to healing his clavicle (spots injury) in record time even shocking the doctors. At 58 years young, he healed as fast as a healthy 12-year-old (the word healthy was inserted because a normal 12-year-old would have healed much slower than PJ did, thanks to their typical Standard American Diet and a tragic lack of exercise in their lifestyle).

For now, here’s the top 5 things he did for record healing:

  1. Prayer
  2. Immobilization
  3. Quality sleep
  4. Nutrition
  5. Biohacking (gizmos and techniques)

More details on the X Gym social media channels:



More to come soon, so check back to this page!