Did you have a faster metabolism when you were younger? Do you know people who seem to be able to “eat anything” and never gain weight? Would you like to crank up your metabolism or turn back your metabolic clock? Here are my 7 favorite personal methods that keep my body fat percentage in the…
Read MoreIf part of your body seem to be “hanging out” of places more than usual, it could be your weekend that is the cause. Many people tend to relax their healthy habits on the weekends as their routines are disrupted from the normal weekly schedules. Research shows that “lazy weekends” may boost body fat and reduce…
Read MoreHave you ever felt so hungry that you feel frantic and then end up eating junk because that’s all that seems to be quickly available? When your blood sugar drops, your brain is hard-wired to eat the nearest, quickest thing and that usually means something processed. Thinking you can use willpower to wait until you can…
Read MoreOK, I get it. You either really don’t have time to prepare your own food (and there really are some people like that, especially at X Gym), or you aren’t ready to start that committed relationship with your kitchen (which would be my first choice for you, as I pointed out in this post). Well, I now have good news for you.…
Read MoreMany of the principles I teach are pretty much opposite from what mainstream health and fitness espouses. The reasons for that are myriad, but don’t get me started because that could be another whole big, long post itself. Here’s the bottom line. We need sunlight and every one if its wonderful, beneficial wavelengths to get inside…
Read MoreNot everyone will “get” the title of this post. X Gen’s probably will, but most Millennials and Boomers will only hear a “whooshing” sound as it flies over their head. So for those mille/booms, I’ll explain: Back in the late 80’s, 90’s and even into the early 2000’s, the slang term “phat” came in and out of…
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