
Got “Text Neck?”

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Got “Text Neck?”

“Text Neck” is a specific posture pandemic problem that has popped up since “smart phones” have come on the scene. These modern, first-world  gizmos are even more powerful than the computers of 5 years ago in many ways.  They’re drastically more convenient too, so people end up surfing the web on their smart phone even…

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I’ve Been Just as Wrong as Everybody Else

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on I’ve Been Just as Wrong as Everybody Else

In my journey through exercise science and research since 1987, I have been “wrong” more times than most people, but I end up being “right,” sooner than most people as well because of all the research I do. I fell for the “calorie – calorie out” myth just like everyone else. I was duped into…

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Coke’s Dirty Big Secrets

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Coke’s Dirty Big Secrets

  The “Coke is a Joke” infographic exposes the false weight loss and wellness claims of Coke in its diet soda line, which uses aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. Use the embed code to share it on your website.>

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Don’t Believe Anyone

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Don’t Believe Anyone

Are you confused with all the misinformation out there? Are you tired of hearing all the conflicting opinions out there on health and fitness? It’s not your imagination. Even the “experts” rarely agree, but here is a 4 step process to get to the truth. 1.) Believe no one (including me). 2.) Question everything you hear. 3.)…

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Eat What You Are?

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Eat What You Are?

  I’m sure you have heard it said, “You are what you eat.” And it’s true, to an extent, because people who eat crap, certainly end up feeling, and looking, like crap. But what if we switched those words around a bit and followed the advice, “Eat WHAT you are?” By this I mean, wouldn’t it…

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Is Carbohydrate an Essential Nutrient?

By Jay Madrigal / / Comments Off on Is Carbohydrate an Essential Nutrient?

People know about my low-carb lifestyle and they occasionally try to explain to me that the human body needs carbohydrates for energy. Or that the brain has to have carbs in order to run properly. Or that carbs are somehow necessary for optimal health. And I have yet to hear this “advice” coming from someone…

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