Are Flabonoids Making You Flabby?

lean vs flabby

OK, I admit that FLABonoids isn’t a real word, but I’m coining it now, so if I have any say, it will be in the dictionary within 10 years and I’ll be on the Ellen DeGeneres show talking about it.

Actually, I didn’t even come up with the word myself. I have to give the credit to my friend Angela who came up with it based on a misunderstanding. I was talking with her about flavonoids (also known as flavonols), which is a healthy component in healthy foods, and she thought I said flabonoids. After a copious amount of belly laughter, it dawned on me that flabonoids is the perfect word to be the antithesis of the word flavonoids!

Healthy foods like kale, broccoli, berries, arugula, asparagus, chia seeds, raw cacao, and tea (to name just a few) contain high amounts of flavonoids and these foods also happen to be fat burning foods. It’s a pretty safe bet that the woman on the left in the picture above is a big fan of foods containing high amounts of flavonoids.

Processed foods on the other hand, contain “food like substances” for ingredients instead of real food, are certainly fattening, so it’s only fitting that these substances should be called FLABonoids! It’s a pretty safe bet that the woman on the right in the picture above is a big fan of foods containing high amounts of flabonoids.

Flavonoids – the good stuff, also prevents disease, makes you healthier, improves insulin resistance, and makes you fitter – even to the extent of increasing athletic performance for better workouts. There is plenty of research proving these facts.

Flabonoids – the bad stuff, does the opposite of all the good stuff listed above and of course, makes you flabby.

How do you know if your food contains flavonoids or flabonoids? Well, for starters, it has to be real food to contain flavonoids. By real food, I mean foods that have one ingredient and that ingredient is from a non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) source. The safest way to make sure your food is non – GMO, is to buy organic. The organic foods with the highest flavonoids are the most basic green vegetables and certain fruits.

If you go the other way though, and eat processed foods with lots of ingredients on the label that you can’t pronounce, well, those are FLABonoids and they will make you fat, give you disease, make you cranky and cause you to feel miserable.

So go out and get some FLAVonoids today and run fast and far, far away from FLABonoids!