Eat This Food and Die Early – WAY Early!

Why such a negative title? Why not something more positive like, “Eat This Food to Live Longer?” Well, because sometimes drama is needed to get certain points across and we do occasionally need to know what to avoid when it is this urgent.

Based on the research I have studied as well as current events and trends, it is my opinion that eating genetically modified foods (GMO) will lop at least 20 years off your life. What does 20 years mean? To answer that, think of how long you expect to live. Most of us have some concept of that, but now subtract 20 years and think of everything you would miss out on.

Personally, I’m planning on living 119 years, 11 months and 29 days (I have a very specific and vivid imagination, so bear with me). By then I’ll have 4 grand kids, 8 great grand kids and 18  great-great grand kids, three of which are identical triplets who are just starting to walk. Just think of all that I would miss out on if I only made it to 99! We’re talking about family trips, outings, experiences, hikes, you name it. How about you?

Unless we come together now, avoiding GMO foods might be a losing battle as you will see here. As Dr. Mercola reports, the USDA recently approved the planting of genetically modified (GM) alfalfa, the fourth-largest crop in the USA, without restriction! Farmers plant millions of acres of alfalfa to produce forage seed and hay to feed their cows and other livestock. Monsanto, the mega-giant gazillion dollar conglomerate responsible for most GMO food production, is the largest benefactor of this approval.

Alfalfa is one of the biggest pollinators, which means that the likelihood of it cross-pollinating and contaminating non-GMO crops is a sure thing. Since it is a natural forage for pastured (organically-raised grass-fed) animals, contamination would be disastrous for organic dairy and cattle farmers as federal organic standards forbid them from using GM crops. Organic food manufacturers also reject a food ingredient if it is found to be contaminated with GM material — not to mention Monsanto’s history of suing both conventional and organic farmers for patent infringement when those non-Monsanto crops become cross-contaminated.

This is Monsato’s plan though: To get rid of organic food by contaminating it and/or suing it out of existence. That way they own the patents to all the food grown and then completely control the world’s food supply, starting with our nation. Can this really happen? It has already begun and it is building momentum now like a hurricane.

The White House directly intervened recently with the USDA and “suggested” to them in no uncertain terms, not to restrict Monsanto’s alfalfa. Other politicians have helped push this through as well, despite rulings by federal courts and warnings by scientists over the last four years that these genetically engineered alfalfa plants should not be planted.

Many European countries have banned all GMO foods because they have seen the same research studies I have, but our country is censoring that research and going full steam ahead in the opposite direction in order to cater to the real boss – Monsanto – and their greed for money and control.

You might be wondering how all this is possible. The biggest reason is that Monsanto has infiltrated the US Federal Regulatory agencies like the FDA and USDA with their previous employees who are still very loyal to Monsanto.

I might be sounding like a conspiracy theorist at this point, so please allow me to add some credibility to my claims with some real-life examples.

One of the members of the Supreme Court — the infamous Clarence Thomas, did not withdraw himself from a Supreme Court decision on genetically engineered alfalfa last year. He used to be the general counsel for Monsanto. What better example of  “conflict of interest” could there be than this?

Tom Vilsack, the former governor of Iowa who is currently the U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary, was a long time supporter and confidante of Monsanto. He rode around on Monsanto’s corporate jet during some of his electoral campaigns in Iowa. Tom Vilsack was named “The Biotech Governor of the Year” in 2001 by the Biotechnology Industry Organization.

Others in the Obama administration include Michael Taylor, who was formerly the vice president of Monsanto. He is now the Food and Drug Administration Deputy Commissioner for Foods. Michael Taylor was in charge of FDA labeling practices in 1993 when the FDA first approved the new labeling guidelines, despite overwhelming opposition from the public against those guidelines. Michael Taylor was also instrumental in preventing bovine growth hormone and other genetically engineered foods from having to be labeled. He has gone in and out working for Monsanto and the FDA ever since.

Another member of the Obama Administration is Roger Beachy, the former director of the Monsanto funded Danforth Plant Science Center in Saint Louis. He is now the director of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Other appointees: Islam Siddiqui was vice president of Monsanto and Dupont’s funded pesticide-promotion group CropLife. He is now the agricultural negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative. In other words, he is the enforcer for U.S. foreign policy that countries have to accept our genetically engineered exports.

Another appointee, Rajiv Shah, is the former Agricultural Development Director for the pro-biotech Gates Foundation, who are frequently partnering with Monsanto. He served as Obama’s USDA undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics.

I could go on and on with more examples, but you hopefully get the point. Is it any wonder then that we get these kinds of decisions, despite public outcry and opposition? It’s not just the Obama Administration that has served as a revolving door for Monsanto either. We saw the same situation under Bush Jr., Clinton and Bush Sr.

Monsanto is simply out of control. It is not the least bit concerned for your health, but only for it’s own profit and power. This corrupt corporation doesn’t just place its people in high positions. It also donates large sums of money to members of congress (at least from what we can see that’s above the table) and magically gets its way every time there is a policy decision made in Washington.

What You Can Do

If we vote with our pocketbooks and purchase only non GMO foods, we can change the industry just like they did in Europe.

The most practical option you have is to choose organically certified varieties. Look for the 100% Organic label. Unfortunately, this label comes from the USDA, so it may already be suspect, but it’s the best we have for now.

Additionally you can participate in Jeffrey Smith’s Non-GMO Tipping Point Network on a number of levels, depending on whether you’re a consumer, a retailer, or a food manufacturer The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) has also created a variety of tools that makes it easier for you to choose non-GM foods, and this is the way to eradicate GMOs from your local store. Remember, if no one wants to buy them, stores can’t sell them, and will simply stop ordering them. Food manufacturers will have to adjust and quickly change their ingredients or risk losing their business.

Furthermore, here is a list of action items you can pick and choose from:

  1. Distribute widely the Non-GMO Shopping Guide to help you identify and avoid foods with GMOs. Remember to look for products (including organic products) that feature the Non-GMO Project Verified Seal to be sure that at-risk ingredients have been tested for GMO content.
  2. Download the free “ShopNoGMO” iPhone application that is available in the iTunes store.
  3. You can also order the Non-GMO Shopping Guide in bulk and give it to your family and friends.
  4. Join the Non-GMO Tipping Point Network, where you can connect with Local and National Non-GMO Action Groups to learn more and help get the word out about GMOs to others.
  5. Bring the film Hidden Dangers in Kid’s Meals to your local access TV station, or perhaps your child’s school, along with some educational material specifically designed for teachers and educators.
  6. Share Your Milk on Drugs – Just Say No!, and Jeffrey’s lecture, Everything You Have to Know About Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods with everyone you know. Post them to your Facebook page, or email the links to your network of friends and family.
  7. Send a letter simultaneously to dozens of food companies, dairies, and supermarkets, telling them you’re one of the millions of non-GMO eaters and urge them to prevent GM alfalfa from entering their supply chain, and to take steps to remove all GMOs. To sign and send these letters automatically, see this link.
  8. Join the Institute for Responsible Technologies Facebook page, and follow them on Twitter.

Also support the Non-GMO Project by urging your local food retailers to join the Non-GMO Project’s Supporting Retailer Program, and food manufacturers to join and become Non-GMO Project Verified. This is currently the best way for manufacturers to get around the fact that there’s no GM-labeling system.

Why go to all this trouble? Because it we don’t, there won’t be any non GMO food left and we will all be forced to eat it. Am I over reacting? If you knew how fast the non-GMO crops are spreading and how rapidly Monsanto is growing, you wouldn’t think so. Dying 20 years early is not an exaggeration in my opinion either. This stuff is toxic beyond anything our planet has ever seen.

If you aren’t motivated enough to pitch in to help make these changes for yourself, then do it for your kids. If you don’t have kids, then do it for the planet!

To see more information and the full excerpts I used to create this post, visit Dr. Mercola’s site to read it in it’s entirety.