Is the X Gym for you?

Can you commit to 21 minutes, 2X a week?

That's all it takes, but if you miss any workouts, you'll need to make them up for optimal results. We have several ways to do that because it's so important. First, you can just come in more frequently on certain weeks to make them up. Second, we can train you online, so if you are on a trip or even trapped at home on a snow day, we can still give you a great workout through Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, or whatever platform you prefer! Third, all our members get our App for free, so that's another option to train anywhere, anytime if you have to miss or make up a workout.

Are you ready to Xplore the edges of your comfort zone?

Our style is certainly high intensity, but it automatically adjusts to each person, based on their tolerance, and meets them where they are, depending on their individual fitness, age, Xperience, etc. Our members range in age from 9 to 90 and vary in fitness from obese individuals to competitive athletes. Almost anyone can work out at the X Gym, as it automatically adjusts to each person, stretching their mental and physical envelopes and Xpanding their tolerance and fitness over time, at their own unique pace.

Are you truly ready for results?

Our members enjoy about 2-3X the results of traditional training in less than 1/2 the time, based on the data we have been collecting since we began back in 1998. We are committed to your progress and use every mental and physical technique available to get you the best results as fast as possible. If your commitment matches ours, we will be a perfect fit.

Is X Gym for you?

We are the first to admit that the X Gym isn't for everyone. Some people like doing hours of exercise each week and hanging out in a gym is enjoyable because their social network is there too. X Gym is not for that kind of person. We also aren't for your typical "CrossFitter" who likes setting records on reps weight and other "PR's" with the excitement of others cheering them on to new feats of strength with heavy weights and ballistic traditional reps. I used to do that stuff too when I was in my 20's and 30's and it was perfect for me back then, but I knew that I would be needing something safer and a routine that required less time as I got older and busier, so that's why I developed the X Gym methodology - for myself and all the others who felt the same way about time and safety.

Are you skeptical?

You should be! Our claims about results are pretty big, so if you weren't skeptical, you'd just be gullible and no one wants to be that. This is why we offer the free intro workout, so you can feel it for yourself to see how this could work for you as we claim it will.

Ready to take the first step?

Just click here to sign up for your free intro workout to see if X Gym is a fit for you!