You can always sign up for sessions and classes from any computer with internet access, but if you would like the option of signing scheduling from the convenience of your smartphone follow the directions below:
- Download the MINDBODY Connect App (currently available for Android and Apple smartphones).
- Once the app has downloaded, select “Continue with Email.”
- Next, enter your email address and click “Next.”
- If this is your first time signing into the Connect app, it will say that you are unregistered. Select “Create Account” to continue.
- Now you will have the option of creating a password. Your Connect password does not have to be the same as the one you created for your MINBODY online profile previously, however we do recommend that the email and password you use be the same. Type in your new password twice and click “Next.”
- Next, fill out the First name, Last name, and Gender fields. Uncheck the “Keep me in the loop” box if you do not want to receive promotional emails from MINDBODY. Once all the fields have been filled out, click “Create Account” at the bottom of the screen.
- An activation email should have now been sent to prompt you to finish the account set up process. Click the “Check Email” box if you would like to finish your account set up now. Since your MINDBODY Connect Account is not currently synced with your MINDBODY online profile that we created for you previously, you will need to complete the following steps before you can start using Connect for booking classes.
- Open the MINDBODY email you received. Click on the link that says “Complete your activation and sync your favorite businesses with the app.”
- Once you are redirected, scroll down and search for X Gym in the “Business name” box. Once you’ve found your X Gym location click the arrow next to the business. The email and password you used to create your MINDBODY online profile will need to be typed into the two boxes beneath the business name. Now just click “Sync.” Your online profile and MINDBODY Connect profiles are now linked!
If for any reason you are unable to successfully complete the syncing process or have any questions regarding this step please email Ryan at for further assistance.