X Team Contest Step Four

Yes, there’s more! Here’s step four of Xcellerate X Gym! 

Here are the things to do for step four, to Xcellerate those Xtremely fast, Xtraordinary X Gym style results!

So far, you have worked toward the following challenges and points:


  1. Xercise: 14 points per X Gym workout and 7 points per HIIT workout.
  2. Green veggies: 1 point per serving per day (a serving is the size of your fist)
  3. Water: 1 point per 10 ounces. (100 oz. = 10 points per day)
  4. Complete goals worksheet = 7 points.
  5. Successfully master brain training lessons: Intro and EFT for 7 points each
  6. Attend the webinar = 21 points
  7. List 3 things about your health or body that you are grateful for = 7 points


  1. Any previous activities and assignments can be used to continue to earn points, plus the additional options below.
  2. Track your daily carbs and reduce them: For every 10 points below 200 grams/day, you get 1 point, so 200 = 0 points, 190 = 1 point, 150 = 5 points, 100 = 10 points, etc.
  3. Food log: 10 points per day for each emailed entry using Excel or Google sheet format.
  4. Sleep: 7-9 hours = 7 points per night.
  5. Successfully master the brain training lesson: Falling off the train for 14 points.
  6. Each day you take a Levl test and email to pj@xgym.com = 7 points
  7. Hardbodcafe.com: Make a recipe for 21 points


  1. Take the Brain Type Test = 21 points. 
  2. Gratitude: Write, call, send a card or email someone you admire for their health and/or fitness achievements to tell them about how they inspire you = 2 points per person.
  3. Inspiration: Encourage and/or inspire someone with your story to take control of their health and fitness. CELEBRATE SMALL SUCCESSES
  4. End the day by writing down improvements you have made so far = 1 point per improvement.
  5. Start each day by working on your “big rock” for at least 10 minutes – 10 points

Now, for this month (April), earn points with these listed below (and earn points by continuing any previous activities and assignments above too, of course).

  1. Take a TV fast = 7 points per day of no TV. If you already don’t watch TV, do an internet fast instead (no surfing, YouTube, social media etc., but necessities like email is, of course, fine).
  2. Unplug: No electronics (even your phone) for 24 hours = 14 points.
  3. Xpect that one amazing thing will happen today and write it down at the end of the day.

And to report your points, just click here to use the form to submit them.

Lastly (for now), I have another new bonus for you. Check out the graphic at the bottom of this page to find out which common foods ALWAYS should be purchased organic. If you’d rather get the PDF so you can print it out, just email pj@xgym.com and he will attach it back to you.

That’s it for now, but if you would like more, or would like things be more customized, just email pj@xgym.com and your wish comes true!